Kid Educational Programs
CYBERNET TRAINING CENTERS have created special educational programs for beginners but also for advanced students of Elementary school, High school and Lyceum absolutely adapted to Cyprus reality within a European prospect.
Elementary & Intermediate
It is a specially designed program of computers science from the educational department of CYBERNET, which is addressed to junior children.
It is based on a continuous educational process composed of classes, exercises, practices and projects, that begins with the Elementary I and is completed with Intermediate III. Each level can be completed in fall semester (2 hours weekly) or in summer semester (15 hours weekly). At the end of Intermediate III the children sit examinations for one of the following certifications, ECDL, MOS and ICT.
Higher level
At the Higher level, those students that continue the course, choose a sector of Information technology that suits them and they get specialised in the specific sector.
The education, which is provided by well trained instructors, is pleasant, fascinating and particularly interesting since all material are based in real daily life examples. Depending on the interests and the previous experience of your child, the child will improve his knowledge in arithmetics, language, social sciences, technology etc.

Elementary / Classes A-C
The students become familiar with the operating system of Microsoft Windows, they learn the computer architecture & the points of attention when they use a computer. Also, they deal with painting and moving motions, they improve their knowledge in arithmetic, they get familiarized with the keyboard and the letters.

Elementary / Classes D-F
Objective of the preliminary intermediate level it is for children to come in contact with the programming, to learn fundamental significances, acquire knowledge of information technology in multiple levels but also encyclopaedic technological knowledge with the help of computer. They learn how to surf the world wide web and they make the first contact with the multimedias.

Advanced Students
At CYBERNET we achieve excellent results since our students follow-up programs specifically designed based in their age and cognitive level. With modern means of education in information technology and with reasonable flow of learning, we offer our students unique supplies useful, as much for their performance in the school activities, as well as for the continuation of their studies in the third degree education and further on in their professional career.
Students of this course:
- Make analysis of school syllabus.
- Learn how to use Windows and Office.
- Practice in real conditions.
- Design web pages.
- Familiarize with the parts of a personal computer.
- Start basic programming with Visual Basic, C++, html for the design of web pages.
- Learn how to use Corel Draw.
- Learn how to work with Photoshop.
- Gain technical know-how
- Get trained on how to assembly a personal computer and how to deal with hardware problems and how to make up the personal computer from scratch.
- Get prepared for ECDL, ICT Europe and GCE O level / A level.